Colors can be used to convey action, alter emotion, and even influence psychological responses. The colour spectrum is likewise carved up differently by different cultures, languages and ethnic groups. For example dark approximately translates as cool, whereas light roughly translates as warm. Color psychology is the study of how colours influence people’s perceptions of brands and whether they persuade them to consider a company or make a purchase. When it comes to marketing strategies, colour psychology is quite important. A given brand or corporation can make an impression on buyers through colour psychology.
In a study about “Impact of Color on Marketing”, research scholars found that up to 90% of buying decisions on products can be based solely on colour.
There have been numerous attempts to define how people react to various distinct colours. Personal preferences, experiences, upbringings, cultural variations, and environment, according to research, obscure the effect of specific colours on humans. As a result, the assumption that hues like yellow or purple can elicit hyper-specific emotions and is about as accurate as a typical palm reading. Researchers discovered that the perceived suitability of the hue being utilised for the particular brand influences the association between brands and colour. To put it another way, does the hue match what’s being sold?
Jennifer Aaker, a psychologist and Stanford professor, has done a research about colour psychology and identified five dimensions of colors which influence a brand’s performance. Brands can occasionally combine two features, although they are typically dominated by one. In this way all the brands must consider the following question: What do I want my brand’s personality to be, and how can I utilise colour to communicate that personality?
When it comes to gender analysis, men are more inclined to colours with black added whereas women prefer tints of colours (colours with white added). It’s critical for new companies to select colours which can create uniqueness and easily differentiate them from their competitors.
While a huge majority of consumers prefer colour patterns with similar colours, they also prefer palettes with a sharply contrasting accent colour, according to two studies on colour combinations, one evaluating aesthetic reaction and the other looking at customer preferences.
Though the study on colours is infinite, but we all do agree the following statement that “Colour is the first thing you notice and the last thing you leave with” (Portillo, p.1)
Dr. Karpagavalli. G