Servant Leadership

“As we look ahead into the next century, Leaders will be those who empower others”

                                                                                                                          – Bill Gates –

Creating a nurturing environment where people feel cherished and respected as leaders is the concept of Servant Leadership. This Servant Leadership can help businesses in creating more of positive work cultures where employees are more engaged and motivated. They keep employees accountable for their performance and development.

Leaders are frequently praised for their strength, decisiveness, and communication abilities. On the other hand, Active listening is very important being a servant leader. They are aware of the requirements of the entire group and prefer to listen rather than speak.

The old leadership approach sometimes ends in getting compliance and employees will not want to go above and beyond their regular responsibilities. By being kind, empathic, modest, and servicing them, a business can grow and employees will feel empowered. As a result, the company will be able to expand more broadly.



This type of leader is aware of what is going on in their environment, be aware of ethical and value challenges and also the strategic awareness of how individual actions affect the whole scenario. They’re also more self-conscious and aware of their own strengths and flaws in terms of emotional intelligence (EQ).

It is critical to recognize that when people are led by someone who is very understanding and encouraging, they are more likely to perform well. Praise and encouragement may go a long way and are significantly more effective than negative criticism and punishment.

A progressive thinker is a servant leader. They can easily relate about what they’ve learned in the past and how it’s informed their current situation and how it might affect their future. Long-term thinking allows you to envision what the company can become and make judgments concerning future changes.

Empathy will become progressively useful in a world where the stream of new technology will challenge the status quo like never before, mentioned by Satya Nadella, Microsoft’s third CEO in his book.

Servant leaders are deeply concerned about each member of their team’s personal and professional development. A servant leader, according to the Washington Post, is someone who does not believe he or she is better than those lower on the corporate ladder or that employees would not work hard unless they are closely monitored. Servant leaders believe that if the appropriate values and culture are in place, ordinary people can achieve remarkable results.



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